
An ant colony optimization approach for solving shortest path problem with fuzzy constraints /

Ahmed Abdelhamied Abdelaziz Zakzouk

An ant colony optimization approach for solving shortest path problem with fuzzy constraints / حل مشكلة المسار الأقصر ذات القيود المبهمة باستخدام منهجية مستعمرة النمل Ahmed Abdelhamied Abdelaziz Zakzouk ; Supervised Hegazy Mohamed Zaher , Ramadan Abdelhamied Zean Eldeen - Cairo : Ahmed Abdelhamied Abdelaziz Zakzouk , 2010 - 129 Leaves : charts ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute of Statistical Studies and Research - Department of Operation Research

This thesis presents an ant colony optimization approach ( ACO ) to solve the shortest path problem, especially with fuzzy constraints; this thesis consists of five chapters as follows: in chapter one we introduce an introduction, summary and review of literature, in chapter two we handle the shortest path problem in details, in chapter three an ant colony optimization approach is introduced as a methodology for solving the shortest path problem, in chapter four we introduce an introduction on fuzzy sets, definitions, formulation algorithms, in chapter five we introduce the supposed algorithm and we have got two empirical formulas which give the best convergence to the optimal solution

Ant colony optimization Fuzzy constraints Shortest path problem