
Studies on the role of amino acid neurotransmitters in depression by using an animal model and antidepressant treatment /

Neveen Amin Nour

Studies on the role of amino acid neurotransmitters in depression by using an animal model and antidepressant treatment / دراسات على دور الاحماض الامينية الموصلة للاشارات العصبية فى الاكتئاب باستخدام نموذج حيوانى ومعاملته بمضادات الاكتئاب Neveen Amin Nour ; Suppervised Nawal Abd El Hay Ahmed , Taghride Abd El Rahman Hassan , Heba Salah_ElDin AbouElEzz - Cairo : Neveen Amin Nour , 2005 - 152P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Zoology

The present study demonstrates the effect of the ipinjection of fluoxetine (5 mg / kg body wt) on the concentration of amino acid neurotransmitters , glutamic acid , aspartic acid , GABA , glycine , taurine and the amide glutamine in the cortex and hypothalamus of reserpinized adult male albino rats , as an induced model of depressionThis study also investigates the effect of the ipadministration of fluoxetine on the band power spectra of ECoG waves in the freely moving reserpinized animal model of depressionThe present study also investigates the withdrawal effect of reserpine and fluoxetine on the above mentioned amino acid levels in the cortex and hypothalamus besides the band power spectra of the ECoG wavesThe daily ipinjection of reserpine for 4 weeks resulted in a highly significant increase in hypothalamic glutamate and taurine concentrations accompanied by a significant decrease in GABA levelsIt may be proposed that the concomitant increase in glutamic acid is a simultaneous excess , mainly at the expense of GABA productionThe increase in taurine is suggested to play a role in encountering the resultant hyperexcitability due to the highly significant increase obtained in glutamic acid level in the reserpinized animal model of depression

Amino acid antidepressant treatment neurotransmitters