
Correlation of birth injury and the mode of delivery with maternal height and birth weight /

Ahmed Samy Ali Ashour

Correlation of birth injury and the mode of delivery with maternal height and birth weight / الربط بين إصابات الولادة وكيفية الولادة مع طول الأم والوزن عند الولادة Ahmed Samy Ali Ashour ; Supervised Gamal Gamal Eldin Youssef , Omnya Mostafa Helal , Amal Hanafey Hasan - Cairo : Ahmed Samy Ali Ashour , 2010 - 187P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The overall incidence of maternal birth injury 5.75% (23 cases) including; vaginal tear (26%) third degree perineal tear (21.7%) cervical tear (17.3%) postpartum heamorrhage (8.7%) fourth degree perineal tear (13%) and multiple maternal injury (13%) . In this study all cases with maternal height less than 150 cm were delivered by CS

Correlation of birth injury height and birth weight Mode of delivery with maternal