
Phytochemical and biological evaluation of capparis sinaica veill : With special emphasis on liver diseases /

Sherif Mohamed Diaa Eldin Abdelhamed

Phytochemical and biological evaluation of capparis sinaica veill : With special emphasis on liver diseases / التقييم الفيتوكيميائى والبيولوجى لنبات الكبار : مع التركيز بصفة خاصة على امراض الكبد Sherif Mohamed Diaa Eldin Abdelhamed ; Supervised Meselhy Ragab Meselhy , Mohamed Amin Ismail Elansari , Dina Rafik Abouhussein - Cairo : Sherif Mohamed Diaa Eldin Abdelhamed , 2011 - 142 P. : charts ; facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy

The aim of the work was to investigate the chemical constituents of capparis sinaica growing in Egypt and to evaluate the biological activity of its extracts sub- fractions and its constituents with special emphasis on their protective effects on the liver . The family capparidaceae has 39 genera and 650 species in the tropical subtropical and warm temperate regions of the world

Capparis sinaica veill Liver diseases Phytochemical and biological