
Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of milk production traits in Egyptian buffaloes using test - day model /

Heba Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa

Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of milk production traits in Egyptian buffaloes using test - day model / تقدير المقاييس الوراثية والمظهرية لصفات انتاج اللبن فى الجاموس المصرى باستخدام نموذج يوم الاختبار Heba Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa ; Supervised Rabie Ragab Sadek , Samy Aabobakr Mahmoud , Mahasen Mohamed Moawad - Cairo : Heba Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa , 2011 - 57 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal production

A total number of 3007 test - day milk records for 401 Egyptian buffaloes daughters of 54 bulls covered the period from 1991 to 2002 were used in this study . Data were collected from Mahllet Mousa and Elnattaf Elkadeem farms in Kafr Elsheikh . The two farms belong to animal production Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation Egypt

Egyptian buffalo Genetic and phenotypic trend Heritability