Pharmacognostical and biological study of certain aloe species cultivated in Egypt /
Mouchira Aly Choucry
Pharmacognostical and biological study of certain aloe species cultivated in Egypt / دراسة عقاقيرية وحيوية لبعض أنواع معينة من جنس الصبار المنزرعة فى مصر Mouchira Aly Choucry ; Supervised Nabaweya M. Elfiki , Ibrahim Attia Shehata , Taghreed Abdou Ibrahim - Cairo : Mouchira Aly Choucry , 2011 - 263 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy
The biological studies included four leaves of Aloe species, Aloe grandidentata, Aloe arborescens, Aloe ciliaris and Aloe eru. It revealed that the most potent alcoholic extract was that of A. grandidentata followed by that of A. ciliaris. having anti - inflammatory and antihyperglycemic effect , Data proved that the alcoholic extract of A. grandidentata was the potent antibacterial and antifungal followed by that of A. grandidentata
Aloe arborescens Aloe grandidentata Liliaceae
Pharmacognostical and biological study of certain aloe species cultivated in Egypt / دراسة عقاقيرية وحيوية لبعض أنواع معينة من جنس الصبار المنزرعة فى مصر Mouchira Aly Choucry ; Supervised Nabaweya M. Elfiki , Ibrahim Attia Shehata , Taghreed Abdou Ibrahim - Cairo : Mouchira Aly Choucry , 2011 - 263 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy
The biological studies included four leaves of Aloe species, Aloe grandidentata, Aloe arborescens, Aloe ciliaris and Aloe eru. It revealed that the most potent alcoholic extract was that of A. grandidentata followed by that of A. ciliaris. having anti - inflammatory and antihyperglycemic effect , Data proved that the alcoholic extract of A. grandidentata was the potent antibacterial and antifungal followed by that of A. grandidentata
Aloe arborescens Aloe grandidentata Liliaceae