Prognostic value of BC1 - 2, cyclin E, and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor ( p 27 ) genes expression in non - hodgkin lymphoma /
Rasha Nabih Elfadaly
Prognostic value of BC1 - 2, cyclin E, and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor ( p 27 ) genes expression in non - hodgkin lymphoma / أهمية تقييم مستوى انتاج الجينات المنظمة لتكاثر الخلايا سيكيلينBC1 - 2 , P 27 E فى مرضى السرطان الليمفاوى اللاهودجكن فى تحديد شدة المرض والتنبؤ بمسارة الأكلينيكى Rasha Nabih Elfadaly ; Supervised Azza Moustafa Ibrahim , Halah Shebah Alhamad , Khalid Mostafa Aboelenin - Cairo : Rasha Nabih Elfadaly , 2011 - 214 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine- Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
The present work was subjected on newly diagnosed 50 patients suffering from Non - Hodgkin Lymphoma with different stages & 20 healthy subjects served as a control . The aim of this work was to study the expression of cell cycle regulators P27, Cyclin E ptns & BCL - 2 by using Western Blott analysis and RT - PCR respectively to show their implications on the staging of NHL & to detect their application on clinical prognostic value to predic patient survival
BC1 - 2 Cyclin E p 27
Prognostic value of BC1 - 2, cyclin E, and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor ( p 27 ) genes expression in non - hodgkin lymphoma / أهمية تقييم مستوى انتاج الجينات المنظمة لتكاثر الخلايا سيكيلينBC1 - 2 , P 27 E فى مرضى السرطان الليمفاوى اللاهودجكن فى تحديد شدة المرض والتنبؤ بمسارة الأكلينيكى Rasha Nabih Elfadaly ; Supervised Azza Moustafa Ibrahim , Halah Shebah Alhamad , Khalid Mostafa Aboelenin - Cairo : Rasha Nabih Elfadaly , 2011 - 214 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine- Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
The present work was subjected on newly diagnosed 50 patients suffering from Non - Hodgkin Lymphoma with different stages & 20 healthy subjects served as a control . The aim of this work was to study the expression of cell cycle regulators P27, Cyclin E ptns & BCL - 2 by using Western Blott analysis and RT - PCR respectively to show their implications on the staging of NHL & to detect their application on clinical prognostic value to predic patient survival
BC1 - 2 Cyclin E p 27