Endosopic transnasal transantral ligation of internal maxillary artery in management of cases of persistent posterior epistaxis /
Wassim Mikhaiel Seddik
Endosopic transnasal transantral ligation of internal maxillary artery in management of cases of persistent posterior epistaxis / ربط الشريان الفكي الداخلي من خلال الأنف و الجيب الوجني باستخدام المنظار في علاج حالات نزيف الأنف الخلفي المستعصي Wassim Mikhaiel Seddik ; Supervised Hesham Negm , Sherif Gabr , Ehab Abozaid - Cairo : Wassim Mikhaiel Seddik , 2011 - 92 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T
Posterior epistaxis is more complicated, and the conservative treatments include posterior packing and inflated balloon compression. these methods may cause patient discomfort, even hypoxia or cardiac arrhythmia
Epistaxis Otorhinolarynngology Transnasa
Endosopic transnasal transantral ligation of internal maxillary artery in management of cases of persistent posterior epistaxis / ربط الشريان الفكي الداخلي من خلال الأنف و الجيب الوجني باستخدام المنظار في علاج حالات نزيف الأنف الخلفي المستعصي Wassim Mikhaiel Seddik ; Supervised Hesham Negm , Sherif Gabr , Ehab Abozaid - Cairo : Wassim Mikhaiel Seddik , 2011 - 92 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T
Posterior epistaxis is more complicated, and the conservative treatments include posterior packing and inflated balloon compression. these methods may cause patient discomfort, even hypoxia or cardiac arrhythmia
Epistaxis Otorhinolarynngology Transnasa