
Tumout necrosis factor - alpha-308 and lymphotoxin - alpha+ 252 genetic polymorphisms and the susceptibility to non - hodgkin lymphoma /

Nelly Mikhael Nasr Mikhael

Tumout necrosis factor - alpha-308 and lymphotoxin - alpha+ 252 genetic polymorphisms and the susceptibility to non - hodgkin lymphoma / التعدد الجينى لعامل نخر الورم الفا - 308 والسم الليمفى الفا + 252 وعلاقته باحتمالات الاصابة بأورام الغدد الليمفاوية اللاهودجيكينية: Nelly Mikhael Nasr Mikhael ; Supervised Azza Mostafa Ibrahim , Hala Aly Abdelrahman , Mervat Mamdooh Khorshied - Cairo : Nelly Mikhael Nasr Mikhael , 2011 - 134 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

The current stdy aimed at defining the role of TNFÜ - 308 and LTÜ + 252 as genetic risk factors for NHL. The present study included 84 patients and 100 controls . Genotyping for both genes was done by PCR- RFLP technique . The study revealed that TNF-308 GG genotype can be considered as protective against acquisition NHL while TNF - 308 AA genotype can considered as risk factor for NHL. LTÜ + 252 gene polymorphism did not confer increased risk of NHL

Lymphotoxin Non - hodgkin lymphoma Tumout necrosis factor