
Breeding studics on development of high oil corn zea mays L /

Hesham Tawfik Othman Hassan

Breeding studics on development of high oil corn zea mays L / دراسات تربية على تطوير ذرة شامية عالية الزيت Hesham Tawfik Othman Hassan ; Supervised Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Alnaggar , Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed Atta , Bushra Nagieb Ayaad - Cairo : Hesham Tawfik Othman Hassan , 2011 - 116 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agronomy

The present study was conducted in 5 seasons during 4 years from 2006 to 2009 at 4 locations, i.e. Bani Sweif, Beheira, Menofia, and Minia. The main objectives were to develop new maize populations of high oil content and high oil yield and evaluate predicted and acyual proggress from one cycle of S₁ recurrent selection. Two sets of 144 S₁'s were developed from the local population (Loc-Pop) and exotic one Pop-59

Maize Oil content Recurrent selection