
Effect of shading and calcium levels on growth and marketable yield of some sweet pepper cultivars during summer season /

Essam Mosaad Saad Abdelrahman

Effect of shading and calcium levels on growth and marketable yield of some sweet pepper cultivars during summer season / تأثير التظليل ومستويات الكالسيوم على النمو والمحصول القابل للتسويق لبعض أصناف الفلفل الحلو خلال الموسم الصيفى Essam Mosaad Saad Abdelrahman ; Supervised Sayed Fathey Elsayed , Moheb Alphonse Tewfik - Cairo : Essam Mosaad Saad Abdelrahman , 2011 - 135 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Vegetable

Two field experiments were carried out at the farm of Technogreen Company , Abusewer , Ismailia , Cairo , Egypt during the two successive summer seasons of 2005 / 2006 and 2006 / 2007 to study the effect of shading levels ( 0, 25% and 50 % for 30 days and 25% afterwards ) , periods ( 50 % for 30 days, 40 days, 50days, 60 days and 25 % afterwards )

Calcium Pepper Shading levels and periods