
Vaginal misoprostol versus vaginal misoprostol plus isosorbide mononitrate for pre-induction cervical ripening in full term pregnancies /

Mohamed Abdelsalam Mostafa

Vaginal misoprostol versus vaginal misoprostol plus isosorbide mononitrate for pre-induction cervical ripening in full term pregnancies / دراسة مقارنة بين ميزوبروستول بالمهبل مقابل ميزوبروستول مع ايزوسوربيد مونونيترات بالمهبل لنضوج عنق الرحم قبل الحث على الولادة فى حمل كامل النمو Mohamed Abdelsalam Mostafa ; Supervised Sherif Negm , Walaa Ibrahim - Cairo : Mohamed Abdelsalam Mostafa , 2011 - 126 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

In the present study 100 pregnant females were included for induction of labor. They were divided into two groups each of 50 female. One group received 40 mg ISMO plus 50 mg misoprostol alone, both were applied in posterior vaginal fornix, oxytocin was used as hospital protocols for induction of labor. Data was collected, tabulated and statistically analyzed

Cervical ripening Isosorbide monoitrate Misoprostol