
Flow cytometric immunophenotyping and detection of bcl - 6 gene rearrangement in egyptian b - cell lymphoma patients /

Abeer Mostafa Elsayed

Flow cytometric immunophenotyping and detection of bcl - 6 gene rearrangement in egyptian b - cell lymphoma patients / التصنيف المناعى بالتدفق الخلوى و استبيان الترتيب الجينى لجين بى سى ال 6 فى سرطان الجهاز الليمفاوى نوع بى - فى المرضى المصريين Abeer Mostafa Elsayed ; Supervised Shadia Mohamed Shawky Elgerzawi , Mohamed Helmy Elborai , Abeer Ahmed Bahnassy - Cairo : Abeer Mostafa Elsayed , 2006 - 240P : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department Of Oncology

Lymphoma represents one of the major health problems throughout the world It is a common malignancy affecting both children and adults and is continuing to increase rapidly The advent of immunophenotyping of samples from patients with lymphoproliferative disorders has added much to the classification and understanding of these processes

bcl - 6 gene rearrangement immunophenotyping lymphoma patients