
Effect of fire exposure on the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns under axial and eccentric loads /

Ahmed Serag Farid Mahmoud Gabr

Effect of fire exposure on the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns under axial and eccentric loads / تأثير التعرض للحريق على سلوك الأعمدة الخرسانية المعرضة للأحمال المحورية و اللامحورية Ahmed Serag Farid Mahmoud Gabr ; Supervised Ahmed M. M. Ragab , Akram M. A. Torkey , Ahmed F. Alragi - Cairo : Ahmed Serag Farid Mahmoud Gabr , 2011 - 311 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering

A combined of experimental and numerical investigation was conducted to achieve the goals of this research study. The experimental work consisted of eighty one scale reinforced concrete columns tested at elevated temperatures 650C with 25 min, 40 min of firing time, and before fire at room temperature

Columns Fire Reinforced concrete