
Ostcopontin gene polymorphism as marker predicting the efficacy of interferon-based therapics in patients with chronic hepatitis C /

Rehab Mustafa Abdelfadel

Ostcopontin gene polymorphism as marker predicting the efficacy of interferon-based therapics in patients with chronic hepatitis C / التحور فى جين الاستيوبونتين كدلالة لتوقع كفائه العلاج بالانترفيرون فى مرضى الالتهاب الكبدى المزمن سى Rehab Mustafa Abdelfadel ; Supervised Olfat Gamil Shaker , Amr Aly Zahra , Salwa Fayez Hasan - Cairo : Rehab Mustafa Abdelfadel , 2011 - 99 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Medical Biochemistry

Viral hepatitis is T cell-mediated and ostcopontin induce T cell chemotaxis, support adhesion, proliferation, and also enhance expression of T helper 1 (Th1) cytokines. Genetic polymorphisms in the ostcopontin gene (OPN) determine the magnitude of immunity against rickettsial infection in mice. Similar polymorphisms, if present also in human beings, might affect hepatitis activity and the response to treatment by interferon and ribavirin in those infected with HCV

HCV Interferon Ostcopontin