Evaluating the english language programs of tourism students in light of their language communication needs /
Alsayed Younis Abdelghany Rezq
Evaluating the english language programs of tourism students in light of their language communication needs / تقويم برامج اللغة الانجليزية لدارسى السياحة فى ضوء احتياجات التواصل اللغوى لديهم Alsayed Younis Abdelghany Rezq ; Supervised Ali Ahmad Madquor , Muhammad M. Abdellatif - Cairo : Alsayed Younis Abdelghany Rezq , 2011 - 225 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute of Educational Studies - Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
This study sets out to investigate the English language communication needs to tourism students in Egypt . The data for the study were collected through using questionnaires and semi - structured interviews with the students and academics and conducting and a content analysis for two of the taught textbooks and some students' papers and final exams
Evaluating the English language programs Light of their language communication needs Tourism students
Evaluating the english language programs of tourism students in light of their language communication needs / تقويم برامج اللغة الانجليزية لدارسى السياحة فى ضوء احتياجات التواصل اللغوى لديهم Alsayed Younis Abdelghany Rezq ; Supervised Ali Ahmad Madquor , Muhammad M. Abdellatif - Cairo : Alsayed Younis Abdelghany Rezq , 2011 - 225 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute of Educational Studies - Department of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
This study sets out to investigate the English language communication needs to tourism students in Egypt . The data for the study were collected through using questionnaires and semi - structured interviews with the students and academics and conducting and a content analysis for two of the taught textbooks and some students' papers and final exams
Evaluating the English language programs Light of their language communication needs Tourism students