
Porting Linux andorra - I SystemTo MS - Windows Environment /

Ali Abd El kader Fakhry

Porting Linux andorra - I SystemTo MS - Windows Environment / تحويل النظام اندرورا - 1 من بيئة يونكس الى بيئة وندوز Ali Abd El kader Fakhry ; Supervised Reem Bahgat , Ford Wgriss Gorgy , Adib Abdalla Fadalla - Cairo : Ali Abd El kader Fakhry , 2006 - 159P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Mathematics

Logic programming languages , such as Prolog , provide a high level view of programming These languages allow a form of programming where one declares the logic of the problem , plus the control necessary for efficient execution Logic programs can take advantage of parallel architectures by exploiting implicit parallelism , where and - parallelism results from the parallel execution of goals , and or - parallelism results from the parallel execution of alternatives to the same goal

Andorra Andorra - 1 parell Logical programming