
Assessment of physical therapists performance in hospitals of health ministry and medical institutes /

Amira Mahmoud Galal

Assessment of physical therapists performance in hospitals of health ministry and medical institutes / تقييم اداء اخصائى العلاج الطبيعى فى المستشفيات الحكومية والمؤسسات العلاجية التابعة لوزارة الصحة Amira Mahmoud Galal ; Supervised Omaima Kattabei , Dalia Mossad - Cairo : Amira Mahmoud Galal , 2011 - 137 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Basic Science

The quality of service delivery has become an important focus of attention for every one employed in health care . This has led to improving services delivery and patient's quality of life . The performance level of physical therapists at physical therapy department of DarElshefaa Hospital exhibits higher level than other hospitals this due to achieving higher level of quality and take the Egyptian accreditation

Assess the performance of physical therapists Egyptian accreditation Health ministry