
Total ankle arthroplasty /

Hazem Omer Mohammed Timraz

Total ankle arthroplasty / الاستبدال الكامل لمفصل الكاحل Hazem Omer Mohammed Timraz ; Supervised Ibrahim Taha Soliman Algeaidy , Molham Mahmood Mohammad - Cairo : Hazem Omer Mohammed Timraz , 2012 - 137 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopedic surgery

ِAnkle joint replacement has performed in Europe since the 1970's implants have been available in the United States since October of 1998. There are currently three FDA approved TAR implants . The agility the in bone and the Salto - Talaris . For an artificial joint to be successful it must be able to withstand the pressures associated with weight - bearing and motion

Ankle arthroplasty Ankle region Orthopedic surgery