Renal protection startegies during surgical obstetrical patients suffuring from pregnancy induced hypertension /
Amr Adel Abdelgalil Mohammad
Renal protection startegies during surgical obstetrical patients suffuring from pregnancy induced hypertension / وسائل حماية الكلى اثناء ولادة المرضى اللاتى تعانين من ارتفاع ضغط الدم المصاحب للحمل Amr Adel Abdelgalil Mohammad ; Supervised Ezzat Sami Aziz , Tamer Fayez Safan - Cairo : Amr Adel Abdelgalil Mohammad , 2012 - 84 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
Perioperative Assessment of Renal Function is very important in patient with PIH . Including urine out put ( oliguria is considered when urine flow rate less than 0.5 m1 / kg / hr , Blood Urea Nitrogen SerumCreatinine level BUN to Creatinine , Ratio , creatinine clearance , Filtration Fraction ( FF ) and Cystatin C
ARF Bun Ccr
Renal protection startegies during surgical obstetrical patients suffuring from pregnancy induced hypertension / وسائل حماية الكلى اثناء ولادة المرضى اللاتى تعانين من ارتفاع ضغط الدم المصاحب للحمل Amr Adel Abdelgalil Mohammad ; Supervised Ezzat Sami Aziz , Tamer Fayez Safan - Cairo : Amr Adel Abdelgalil Mohammad , 2012 - 84 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
Perioperative Assessment of Renal Function is very important in patient with PIH . Including urine out put ( oliguria is considered when urine flow rate less than 0.5 m1 / kg / hr , Blood Urea Nitrogen SerumCreatinine level BUN to Creatinine , Ratio , creatinine clearance , Filtration Fraction ( FF ) and Cystatin C
ARF Bun Ccr