
Evaluation of fibroscan as a predictor of risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C patients /

Mohamed Refaat Gohar

Evaluation of fibroscan as a predictor of risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C patients / تقييم استخدام جهاز الفيبروسكان كمؤشر على إمكانية حدوث سرطان الكبد الأولى فى مرضى الالتهاب الكبدى الوبائى "ج " Mohamed Refaat Gohar ; Supervised Ayman Yousry Abdalrahim , Rabab Fouad Emam Omar , Mohamed Aly Ezz Alarab - Cairo : Mohamed Refaat Gohar , 2012 - 152P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Tropical Medicine

The degree of liver fibrosis is the strongest indicator of risk for hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) development . Recently developed transient elastoraphy ( Fibroscan , Echosens , France ) noninvasively measures liver stiffness , and the correlation between the stiffness and liver fibrosis stage has been validated . In this cross - sectional study , we aimed to investigate the relationship between liver stiffness and HCC presence

Fibroscan HCC HCV