
Risk factors and glycemic control of diabetes mellitus in infants /

Noha Musa Azab

Risk factors and glycemic control of diabetes mellitus in infants / عوامل التعرض لمرض السكر و تضبيط نسبة السكر بالدم لدى الأطفال الرضع Noha Musa Azab ; Supervised Mona Hafez , Mona Mamdouh , Fatma Elmougy - Cairo : Noha Musa Azab , 2012 - 268 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common chronic metabolic condition in children that may occur at any age, with a more rapid increase in incidence in younger children (ages 2 years). Diabetes diagnosed 6 months of age (NDM) is likely to have a monogenic cause. Our study was conducted on 94 pediatric patients with DM divided into 2 groups, a study group that included 54 patients ( 2 yrs at the onset) and 40 patients 5 yrs at the onset as controls

Molecular Monogenic diabetes Neonatal diabetes