
Effect of pneumatic compression modes on pain and blood flow in varicose veins patients /

Dalia Mahmoud Zaki Mohammed

Effect of pneumatic compression modes on pain and blood flow in varicose veins patients / تأثير طرق ضغط الهواء على الألم وتدفق الدم على مرضى الدوالى Dalia Mahmoud Zaki Mohammed ; Supervised Wadida H. Elsayed , Samia A. Elkady , Abeer Abdelrahman Mohamed - Cairo : Dalia Mahmoud Zaki Mohammed , 2012 - 104P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Basic Science

Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic annoyance ; they can lead to complications that result in loss of time from work . Treatment has improved to reduce recovery time and complications . Purpose of the study was to study the effect of each different cycle setting of intermittent pneumatic compression ( rapid and slow deflation ) on maximal blood flow velocity , mean blood flow velocity , refilling time and pain intensity level in varicose veins patients and also to compare the effect of two different cycle settings

Effect of pneumatic compression modes on pain Intermittent pneumatic compression Varicose veins