
The relation between plasma concentration of osteopontin and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and severity of chronic heart failure /

Alaa Abdalhamid Mohammed Ali

The relation between plasma concentration of osteopontin and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and severity of chronic heart failure / العلاقة بينتركيز الأوستيوبونتين و الميتالوبروتينيز-2 فى البلازما و شدة فشل عضلة القلب المزمن Alaa Abdalhamid Mohammed Ali ; Supervised Amina Kamal Eldein Elansary , Yaser Ahmed Abdelhady , Salwa Fayez Hasan - Cairo : Alaa Abdalhamid Mohammed Ali , 2012 - 155 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Medical Biochemistry

Extracellular matrix remodeling is thought to play an important role in the progression of heart failure (HF). Matrix metalloproteinases-2 (MMPs) havebeen demonstrated to influence left ventricular properties and serve as targets of potential anti-remodeling agents. osteopontin, a glycoprotein that can be detected in plasma, was found to be up regulated in several animal models of cardiac failure and may thus represent a new biomarker that facilitates risk stratification in patients with heart failure

Heart failure Metalloproteinase-2 Osteopontin