
The use of dexmedetomidine , a novel selective alpha - 2 agonist as a sedative for machanically Ventilated patients in ICU : a comparative : study with propofol and midazolam - morphine regimens /

Dalia Osman Ahmed Teima

The use of dexmedetomidine , a novel selective alpha - 2 agonist as a sedative for machanically Ventilated patients in ICU : a comparative : study with propofol and midazolam - morphine regimens / استخدام عقار الدكسميديتوميدين : كمعضد جديد لمستقبلات الفا2 - المحددة كمهدئ للمرض تحت التنفس الاصطناعى فى العناية المركزة : دراسة مقارنة بعقارى البروبوفول والميدازولام - مورفين Dalia Osman Ahmed Teima ; Supervised Khaled Abdulwahab Elborolossy , Mohamed Abdulatif Mohamed , Hala Mohamed Fathi Hamed - Cairo : Dalia Osman Ahmed Teima , 2003 - 106p : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Anaesthesia

ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Respiratory Failure Sedation