
Studies on the efficiency of gadolinium element extraction from its bearing rock concentrate from Elgarra Elhamra Area , South Western Desert , Egypt /

Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed

Studies on the efficiency of gadolinium element extraction from its bearing rock concentrate from Elgarra Elhamra Area , South Western Desert , Egypt / دراسات على كفاءة استخلاص عنصر الجادولينيوم من ركاز الصخور الحاملة له بمنطقة الجارة الحمراء - جنوب الصحراء الغربية - مصر Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed ; Supervised Khalid Fouad Mahmoud , Mohamed Refaat Shehata - Cairo : Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed , 2012 - 113P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Inorganic Chemistry

This work has been carried out to investigate the process of separation of gadolinium from Elgarra Elhamra ore concentrate . Firstly ; the work was conducted by applying different leaching conditions to obtain pregnant leach liquor containing the strategic elements uranium , thorium and rare earth elements . Form the latter REE cake that contains Gd was obtained

Gadolinium Rare earth Solvent extraction