Studies on the efficiency of gadolinium element extraction from its bearing rock concentrate from Elgarra Elhamra Area , South Western Desert , Egypt /
Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed
Studies on the efficiency of gadolinium element extraction from its bearing rock concentrate from Elgarra Elhamra Area , South Western Desert , Egypt / دراسات على كفاءة استخلاص عنصر الجادولينيوم من ركاز الصخور الحاملة له بمنطقة الجارة الحمراء - جنوب الصحراء الغربية - مصر Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed ; Supervised Khalid Fouad Mahmoud , Mohamed Refaat Shehata - Cairo : Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed , 2012 - 113P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Inorganic Chemistry
This work has been carried out to investigate the process of separation of gadolinium from Elgarra Elhamra ore concentrate . Firstly ; the work was conducted by applying different leaching conditions to obtain pregnant leach liquor containing the strategic elements uranium , thorium and rare earth elements . Form the latter REE cake that contains Gd was obtained
Gadolinium Rare earth Solvent extraction
Studies on the efficiency of gadolinium element extraction from its bearing rock concentrate from Elgarra Elhamra Area , South Western Desert , Egypt / دراسات على كفاءة استخلاص عنصر الجادولينيوم من ركاز الصخور الحاملة له بمنطقة الجارة الحمراء - جنوب الصحراء الغربية - مصر Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed ; Supervised Khalid Fouad Mahmoud , Mohamed Refaat Shehata - Cairo : Hala Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed , 2012 - 113P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Inorganic Chemistry
This work has been carried out to investigate the process of separation of gadolinium from Elgarra Elhamra ore concentrate . Firstly ; the work was conducted by applying different leaching conditions to obtain pregnant leach liquor containing the strategic elements uranium , thorium and rare earth elements . Form the latter REE cake that contains Gd was obtained
Gadolinium Rare earth Solvent extraction