
Aquatic versus land - based exercises on standing postural control in hemiparetic children /

Dina Mohammed Mustafa

Aquatic versus land - based exercises on standing postural control in hemiparetic children / التمرينات المائية مقابل التمرينات الارضية على التحكم فى القوام من وضع الوقوف لدى الاطفال المصابين بالخدل النصفى Dina Mohammed Mustafa ; Supervised Gehan H. Elmeniawy , Hatem Abdelrahman , Mohamed Bedair Ibrahim - Cairo : Dina Mohammed Mustafa , 2012 - 112P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development Disorders in Pediatrics

The purpose of this study was to compare between aquatic and land - based exercises on standing postural control in hemiparetic children . This study was conducted on thirty children from both sexes (19 boys and 11 girls) diagnosed as hemiparesis , their ages ranged from 6 - 9 years old . They were selected from the National Institute on Neuromotor

Aquatic exercise Land - based exercise Standing postural control