
The role of television in raising political awareness among Egyptian women : A survery study /

Marwa Ragaa Radwan Shafie Almut'afy

The role of television in raising political awareness among Egyptian women : A survery study / دور التليفزيون فى تشكيل الوعى السياسى لدى المرأة المصرية : دراسة مسحية Marwa Ragaa Radwan Shafie Almut'afy ; Supervised Ibtessam A. Elgindi - Cairo : Marwa Ragaa Radwan Shafie Almut'afy , 2012 - 243Leaves : charts ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Mass Communication - Department of Radio and Television

Egypt has been going through political changes since 2004 and it was inspiring for the researcher to study the level of political awareness among women , one of the minority groups that are being pushed forward towards participation in society . And since media in Egypt is mainly a state run institution it was only suitable for it to be used by the decision makers to utilize it as tool in reaching out for women to persuade them and enhance their political involvement

Media and political awareness Television and political awareness Women and political awareness