
Furlow ( Z ) palatoplasty versus two - flaps paltoplasty in cleft palate patients /

Mohamed Ahmed Abdeltawab

Furlow ( Z ) palatoplasty versus two - flaps paltoplasty in cleft palate patients / مقارنة بين تجميل سقف الحلق بطريقتى الرقعة المزدوجة والرقعة باستخدام حرف الزد لمرضى سقف الحلق المشقوق Mohamed Ahmed Abdeltawab ; Supervised Tarek Kamel , Usama Abdelnaseer , Hossam Eldessouky - Cairo : Mohamed Ahmed Abdeltawab , 2013 - 78P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E. N. T.

Many methods of cleft palate repair have been described . Two effective methods are commonly used for repair of soft palate clefs : the two flaps ( Wardill - Kilner V - Y pushback ) and the Furlow double opposing Z - plasty ; each has advantages and disadvantages . The aim of this study was to compare between the V - Y push back technique and the Furlow Z - plasty technique regarding effectiveness in palatal Reconstruction , improvement of velopharyngeal closure and Eustachian tube function in cases of incomplete cleft palate

Cleft palate Furlow ( Z ) plasty Palatoplasty