
Prediction of hypertension in Young normotensive offspring of hypertensive individuals by non-invasive assessment of aortic compliance and its relation to salt intake /

Ibrahim Essam Zuhdi Eltebi

Prediction of hypertension in Young normotensive offspring of hypertensive individuals by non-invasive assessment of aortic compliance and its relation to salt intake / التنبؤ بارتفاع ضغط الدم في الشباب ذوي ضغط الدم الطبيعي من نسل الاهل المصابين بارتفاع ضغط الدم عن طريق تقدير مطاوعه الشريان الاورطي بطريقه غير تداخليه بتناول الملح Ibrahim Essam Zuhdi Eltebi ; Supervised Magdy Mokhtar Mustafa , Essam Baligh , Mohamed Hany Gamal - Cairo : Ibrahim Essam Zuhdi Eltebi , 2013 - 129 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology

Increase arterial stiffness may be associated of atheroscleric vascular diseases. Increase dietary salt intake is known to increase arterial stiffness in normotensive individuals. It was published that arterial stiffness can be used as a prognostic marker of arterial hypertension. However, according to the Bogalusa Heart study the relationship between arterial stiffness and arterial hypertension seems to be reciprocal

Blood pressure Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes miletus