Histological study on the effect of mesenchymal stem cells therapy on healing of full - thickness skin wounds in albino rats /
Eman Abas Farag
Histological study on the effect of mesenchymal stem cells therapy on healing of full - thickness skin wounds in albino rats / دراسة هستولوجية على تأثير العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية الوسطية فى التئام الجروح الجلدية كاملة العمق فى الفئران البيضاء Eman Abas Farag ; Supervised Hend Shafik Basiouny , Nagla Mohamed Salama , Zeinab Mohamed Elmaadawi - Cairo : Eman Abas Farag , 2013 - 200P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Histology
To evaluate the effect of bone marrow - derived mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSCs ) on healing of induced full thickness rat skin wounds using two delivery methods of injection ; topical and systemic . This study was carried out on 40 adult male albino rats . They were classified into 2 groups after induction of full thickness skin wound : untreated group and stem cell - treated group . The latter was further subdivided into two groups : topically treated and systemically treated with PKH26 - labeled MSCs
BMSCs PKH26 Systemic
Histological study on the effect of mesenchymal stem cells therapy on healing of full - thickness skin wounds in albino rats / دراسة هستولوجية على تأثير العلاج بالخلايا الجذعية الوسطية فى التئام الجروح الجلدية كاملة العمق فى الفئران البيضاء Eman Abas Farag ; Supervised Hend Shafik Basiouny , Nagla Mohamed Salama , Zeinab Mohamed Elmaadawi - Cairo : Eman Abas Farag , 2013 - 200P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Histology
To evaluate the effect of bone marrow - derived mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSCs ) on healing of induced full thickness rat skin wounds using two delivery methods of injection ; topical and systemic . This study was carried out on 40 adult male albino rats . They were classified into 2 groups after induction of full thickness skin wound : untreated group and stem cell - treated group . The latter was further subdivided into two groups : topically treated and systemically treated with PKH26 - labeled MSCs
BMSCs PKH26 Systemic