
Value of statins in congestive heart failure patients with elevated high sensitivity C - reactive protein /

Ali Ahmed Ahmed Heiba

Value of statins in congestive heart failure patients with elevated high sensitivity C - reactive protein / قيمة الاستاتين فى مرضى هبوط عضلة القلب الاحتقانى المصاحب بإرتفاع بروتين سى التفاعلى عالى الحساسية Ali Ahmed Ahmed Heiba ; Supervised Hesham Salah Eldin Taha , Hossam Eldin Ghanem Elhossary - Cairo : Ali Ahmed Ahmed Heiba , 2013 - 190 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by impaired myocardial performance and progressive activation of the neuroendocrine system leading to circulating insufficiency and congestion . Elevated levels of hs - CRP have been observed in patients with heart failure and activation of the immune response may play a role in heart failure through modifications in the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone and sympathetic system

Activator protein Heart failure Nitric oxide