
Evaluation of different modalities of management of penetrating abdominal trauma in kasr Alaing emergency department /

Mohamed Mostafa Alasmar

Evaluation of different modalities of management of penetrating abdominal trauma in kasr Alaing emergency department / تقييم طرق العلاج المختلفة فى علاج جروح البطن النافذة فى قسم استقبال وطوارئ قصر العينى Mohamed Mostafa Alasmar ; Supervised Hussein Mahmoud Khairy , Hussein Osama Elwan , Doaa Ahmed Mansour - Cairo : Mohamed Mostafa Alasmar , 2013 - 118 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery

Penetrating abdominal trauma represents one of the most common forms of abdominal injuries admitted to kasr Alainy Accident and Emergency department. There are many ways of assessment and management of patients with penetrating abdominal injuries. As yet, no clear consensus has been established as to the optimal management algorithm

Diagnostic laparosccpy Laparoscopic exploration Local wound exploration