
Breast contouring after massive weight loss /

Rama Ahmed Ali Ahmed

Breast contouring after massive weight loss / إعادة تشكيل الثدى بعد الفقدان الشديد للوزن Rama Ahmed Ali Ahmed ; Supervised Safwat Abdelkader Mahmoud , Khaled Makeen Abdelazeem , Shehab Soliman Mohamed Soliman - Cairo : Rama Ahmed Ali Ahmed , 2013 - 146 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery

With the wide range of breast deformities developed after massive weight loss, it is crucial to wait until the patients reach stable BMI for a sufficient period before proceedings in any recontouring surgeries . Proper assement of the breast deformity is the key to the successful treatment plan. There are many options of management of these deformities depends on the residual volume of the breast, the quality of the skin, the availability of nearby excess redundant tissues

Breast Inframammary fold Nipple areola complex