
Comparative study regarding the surgical outcomes of gliomas in eloquent areas using awake craniotomy versus preoperative functional brain MRI /

Hesham Atef Abdelkader Elshetany

Comparative study regarding the surgical outcomes of gliomas in eloquent areas using awake craniotomy versus preoperative functional brain MRI / دراسة مقارنة عن نتائج العمليات الجراحية لأورام المخ الدبقة فى المناطق البليغة وذلك باستخدام تقنية شق القحف مستيقظا مقابل استخدام التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسى الوظيفى قبل الجراحة Hesham Atef Abdelkader Elshetany ; Supervised Mostafa Mohamed Wagih Kotb , Amr Mahmoud Safwat , Alaa Abdelfatah Abdelaziz - Cairo : Hesham Atef Abdelkader Elshetany , 2013 - 202 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Neurosurgery

Objective : The aim of the work is to evaluate the different treatment modalities and the variable outcomes of surgical excision of gliomas in eloquent areas of the brain using pre-operative functional MRI-brain comparing with the outcomes of using the awake craniotomy technique. Theis is a controlled randomized study, where patients having gliomas in eloquent brain areas were evaluated pre-operatively both clinically and radiologically

Awake craniotomy Eloquent areas Gliomas