
Management of pathological fractures of the dorsal and lumbar spine /

Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Koheil

Management of pathological fractures of the dorsal and lumbar spine / علاج الكسور المرضية فى الفقرات الظهرية والقطنية Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Koheil ; Supervised Mostafa Mohamed Wagih Kotb , Mohamed Mohamed Mohey Aldin , Sherif Gamal Aldin Almekawy - Cairo : Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Koheil , 2013 - 138 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Neurosurgery

Objective: Review of literature, recent publication and evaluation of the various managment options of the pathological fractures of dorsal and lumbar spine through a clinical and radiological follow up of patients. Patients having pathological fractures of the doprsal and lumbar spine were evaluated pre-operatively both clinically and radiologically

Dorsal and lumbar spine Management Pathological fractures