
Environmental nuclear studies of natural radioactivity and exhalation rate of radon at Shuk-Elthoban area, Helwan, Egypt /

Mohammed Gaber Abdelkarim Mohammed

Environmental nuclear studies of natural radioactivity and exhalation rate of radon at Shuk-Elthoban area, Helwan, Egypt / دراسة نووية بيئية للنشاط الإشعاعى الطبيعى و معدل خروج الرادون فى منطقة شق الثعبان. حلوان-مصر Mohammed Gaber Abdelkarim Mohammed ; Supervised Saher Mohammed Darwish , Amany Taha Sroor - Cairo : Mohammed Gaber Abdelkarim Mohammed , 2013 - 126 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics

The main objective of this thesis is to do environmental nuclear studies of natural radioactivity and exhalation rate of radon at Shuk-Elthoban area in Helwan, Egypt. The present investigation is focused on the study of marble and granite commercially used in many industries using HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer. It has the highest concentration of marble and granite factories in Helwan reaching around 400 factories, constituting 60% to 70% of marble and granite factories in Egypt

Exhalation rate of radon at Shuk-Elthoban Natural radioactivity Rate of radon