
Correlation of acute change in left ventricle end diastolic pressure after primary percutaneous coronary intervention with cardiac biomarkers in patients with ST seqment elevation myocardial infarction /

Osama Amin Abdelhamid

Correlation of acute change in left ventricle end diastolic pressure after primary percutaneous coronary intervention with cardiac biomarkers in patients with ST seqment elevation myocardial infarction / مقارنة التغيرات الحادة فى الضغط الانبساطى للبطين الايسر بعد التوسيع الاولى مع دلالات القلب فى مرضى الجلطة الحادة بجدار القلب Osama Amin Abdelhamid ; Supervised Tarek Elgohary , Ahmed Battah , Akram Abdelbary - Cairo : Osama Amin Abdelhamid , 2013 - 108 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical Care Medicine

Primary PCI is now classifications class 1 indication in STEMI, myocardial perfusion can be evaluated by TIMI flow or myocardial blush grade. The aim of this study was to assess the value of LVEDP measurement before and after primary PCI in predicting the success of reperfusion. The results showed siginificant decrease in LVEDP after primary PCI

PCI Reperfusion STEMI