Correlative analysis between degree of spasticity and angle of wrist joint during grasping in spastic cerebral palsied children /
Ehab Anwar Mohamed
Correlative analysis between degree of spasticity and angle of wrist joint during grasping in spastic cerebral palsied children / تحليل ارتباطى بين درجة التقلص العضلى وزاوية حركة الرسغ اثناء القبض عند الاطفال المصابين بالشلل المخى Ehab Anwar Mohamed ; Supervised Hoda Abdelaziem Eltalawy , Emam Hassan Elnegamy , Fatma Abdelfattah Hegazy - Cairo : Ehab Anwar Mohamed , 2004 - 121P : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Physical Therapy - Department Of Growth and Development Disorders In Pediatrics
Cerebral Correlative Spasticity
Correlative analysis between degree of spasticity and angle of wrist joint during grasping in spastic cerebral palsied children / تحليل ارتباطى بين درجة التقلص العضلى وزاوية حركة الرسغ اثناء القبض عند الاطفال المصابين بالشلل المخى Ehab Anwar Mohamed ; Supervised Hoda Abdelaziem Eltalawy , Emam Hassan Elnegamy , Fatma Abdelfattah Hegazy - Cairo : Ehab Anwar Mohamed , 2004 - 121P : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Physical Therapy - Department Of Growth and Development Disorders In Pediatrics
Cerebral Correlative Spasticity