
Comparison between spinal and general anesthesia in elective cerarean section regarding maternal and neonatal outcome /

Moushira Mosaad Hassan

Comparison between spinal and general anesthesia in elective cerarean section regarding maternal and neonatal outcome / المقارنة بين التخدير الكلى والنصفى فى العمليات القيصرية الاختيارية فيما يتعلق بالمضاعفات الناتجة بالنسبه للام والطفل حديث الولادة Moushira Mosaad Hassan ; Supervised Gamal Mohamed Mahmoud Eid , Sherif Mohamed Maher Negm , Rana Abdelsamie' Abdellah - Cairo : Moushira Mosaad Hassan , 2013 - 127 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Objective : Compare the benefits and drawbacks of general versus spinal anesthesia regarding maternal satisfaction and morbidity as well as neonatal outcome. Results : Spinal anesthesia showed rapid regain of bowel sounds high apgar score , less blood loss , slight hypotension , headache and hypothermia