Serum C- reactive protein level as a biomarker for differentiation of ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke /
Mohamed Aboelmaaty Shoaeb
Serum C- reactive protein level as a biomarker for differentiation of ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke / إستخدام قياس معدل البروتين المتفاعل س فى الدم كأحد العلامات البيولوجية التى يمكن إستخدامها فى التفرقة بين جلطات و نزيف المخ Mohamed Aboelmaaty Shoaeb ; Supervised Mohamed Ali Hammouda , Khaled Mohamed Taema Mohamed Ali Shehata - Cairo : Mohamed Aboelmaaty Shoaeb , 2013 - 98 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical Care Medicine
Stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain either ischemic or hemorrhagic. C-reactive protein is a peripheral marker of inflammation and of generalized atherosclerosis. Acute ischemic stroke may trigger an inflammatory response that leads to increased levels of CRP. High levels of CRP may be associated with poor outcome because they reflect either an inflammatory reaction or tissue damage
Ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke Reactive protein level Serum C
Serum C- reactive protein level as a biomarker for differentiation of ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke / إستخدام قياس معدل البروتين المتفاعل س فى الدم كأحد العلامات البيولوجية التى يمكن إستخدامها فى التفرقة بين جلطات و نزيف المخ Mohamed Aboelmaaty Shoaeb ; Supervised Mohamed Ali Hammouda , Khaled Mohamed Taema Mohamed Ali Shehata - Cairo : Mohamed Aboelmaaty Shoaeb , 2013 - 98 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical Care Medicine
Stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain either ischemic or hemorrhagic. C-reactive protein is a peripheral marker of inflammation and of generalized atherosclerosis. Acute ischemic stroke may trigger an inflammatory response that leads to increased levels of CRP. High levels of CRP may be associated with poor outcome because they reflect either an inflammatory reaction or tissue damage
Ischemic from hemorrhagic stroke Reactive protein level Serum C