
The analysis of mutual relationship between hemostasis and inflammatory processes in patients with chronic liver diseases /

Rania Makram Benyamin

The analysis of mutual relationship between hemostasis and inflammatory processes in patients with chronic liver diseases / دارسة العلاقة المتبادلة بين عمليتي إيقاف النزف الدموي والالتهابات في المرضي المصابين بأمراض الكبد المزمنة Rania Makram Benyamin Supervised Samia H. Rizk , Nora E. I. Elbassiouni , Hanan N. A. Raslan - Cairo : Rania Makram Benyamin , 2013 - 168 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Background: Chronic liver disease is a worldwide common pathology characterized by an inflammatory and fibrotic process that may lead to progressive evolution from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis. Monocytes play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of inflammation and fibrosis in chronic liver diseases. Also, blood platelet, by connecting hemostasis and inflammatory processes, participate in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases. Aim of the work: We aim to assess the expression of platelet monocyte aggregates and their relationship to both monocyte and platelet activation in peripheral blood in patients with HCV induced chronic liver disease in relation to the degree of hepatic insufficiency and haemostatic imbalance and their relevance in aggravating the acute attack of haematemesis in these patients

Monocyte-platelet aggregates Monocytes Platelets