
Acute hepatotoxicity of nano - and micro - sized iron powder in adult albino rats /

Ghada Hasaballa Abdalla Hasabo

Acute hepatotoxicity of nano - and micro - sized iron powder in adult albino rats / التسمم الكبدى الحاد نتيجة استخدام مسحوق الحديد بأحجام النانو و الميكرو فى الفئران البيضاء البالغة Ghada Hasaballa Abdalla Hasabo ; Supervised Mervat Hamdy Abdelsalam , Sherien Salah Eldin Ghaleb , Niveen Ahmed Eldessouky - Cairo : Ghada Hasaballa Abdalla Hasabo , 2014 - 116 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Forensic Medicine Toxicology

In the near future, nanotechnology is envisaged for large scale use. Hence health and safety issues of nanoparticles should be promptly addressed. In the present study the acute hepatoxicity assessment due to high single oral dose of nano iron and micro iron particles were studied. The normal daily activities, biochemical alterations, blood coagulation, histopathological changes in wister rats were the aspect of the toxicological assessment. This work found that significant alterations in biochemical enzymes (serum iron level, liver enzymes, albumin, and bilirubin levels), blood coagulation (PT, PC, INR), and histopathological changes occurred more prominently in the nano iron particle treated group

Micro iron Nano iron Nanotechnology