
The role of the European union in democratic transition and consolidation in Poland and Egypt : Comparative analysis /

Mariem Karam Kamel

The role of the European union in democratic transition and consolidation in Poland and Egypt : Comparative analysis / دور الاتحاد الأوروبى فى التحول الديموقراطى و توطيد الديموقراطية فى بولندا و مصر : تحليل مقارن Mariem Karam Kamel ; Supervised Mostafa Elwi Saif - Cairo : Mariem Karam Kamel , 2014 - 147 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Department of Political Science

The weight of EU leverage differs in both Poland and Egypt, the EU leverage in Poland has evolved since 1989 until polish membership in EU in 2004, while in the Egyptian case, the EU economic linkage increased but without political leverage, one can notice the EU mediation after 30 June could be a matter of leverage in Egypt democratic transition. The EU instruments in Poland were evolved from negotiable attitude to conditional according to polish achievement in democratic transition, while in the Egyptian case; the EU hesitated between conditionality and negotiations. Moreover, Political transition and consolidation in Poland were paralleled to integration into EU which made democratic transformation smoother than in the Egyptian transformation

Democracy Democratization Revolution