
Role of renin - angiotensin-aldosterone system in the response of male albino rats to high fat and fructose feeding /

Reham Mohamed Gamal

Role of renin - angiotensin-aldosterone system in the response of male albino rats to high fat and fructose feeding / دور منظومه الرينين - الأنجوتنسين - ا لألدوستيرون فى إستجابة ذكور الفئران البيضاء للطعام عالى الدهون و الفركتوز Reham Mohamed Gamal ; Supervised Mohammad Hany Gamal Eldin , Moshira Abdelhakim Rateb , Mohammad Elsayed Saleh - Cairo : Reham Mohamed Gamal , 2014 - 289 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Physiology

Increased consumption of fat and soft drinks rich in fructose is closely associated with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The major pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome is the development of insulin resistance caused by the accumulation of visceral fat, which promotes the elevation of blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and dysregulation of glucose metabolism. Expression of all components of the reninangiotensin - aldosteronesystem (RAAS) has been shown in adipose tissue of human and rodent models. The present work aimed at studying the effects of inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme, blocking angiotensin II type 1 receptor, and blocking aldosterone receptor on high fat fructose diet (HFFD) feeding induced-changes in body weight, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis in male albino rats. Fifty adult male albino rats were included in this study, divided into five equal groups. Each group contained 10 rats with equal average body weights

High - fat - fructose diet Metabolic syndrome Renin - angiotensin II