
Estimation and Prediction Through Record Values /

Essam Ali Amin Abd El Samad

Estimation and Prediction Through Record Values / التقدير و التنبؤ من خلال القيم القياسية Essam Ali Amin Abd El Samad ; Supervised Samir Kamel Ashour - Cairo : Essam Ali Amin Abd El Samad , 2006 - 154P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Institute Of Statistical Studies and Research - Department Of Mathematical Statistics

Record values and associated statistics are of great important in real life problems involving weather , economic , and sports dataThe statistical study of record values started with Chandler (1952) and has now separated in different directionsA growing interest in estimation and prediction of record values has arisen in last two decadesThe best linear unbiased estimator and best linear unbiased predictor of future records were obtained by Ahsanullah (1994) , Balakrishnan et al (1995) and Arnold et al (1998) Interval prediction of future records was studied by Ahsanullah (1990) , Balakrishnan and Chan (1998) and Berred (1998 a) Dunsmore (1983) and Al - Hussaini and Ahmed (2003) discussed prediction problem of future upper records from the Bayesian viewpoint

Estimation Mathematical Statistics Prediction Record Values