Neutronic and burnup analysis for advanced pressurized heavy water reactor /
Afrah Ali Saad Ahmed Alkhawlani
Neutronic and burnup analysis for advanced pressurized heavy water reactor / دراسة عناصر التحكم فى النيترونات والاحتراق داخل مفاعل الماء الثقيل المتقدم تحت ضغط عالى Afrah Ali Saad Ahmed Alkhawlani ; Supervised Mahmud Yehia Ismail , Ali Yehia Ellithi , Moustafa Aziz Abdelwahab - Cairo : Afrah Ali Saad Ahmed Alkhawlani , 2014 - 110 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 20cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics
The purpose of this thesis is to study the neutronic and burn up analysis of pressurized heavy water reactor (CANDU). MCNPX computer code has been used for modeling and simulating a supercell of CANDU fuel and the heterogeneous and homogeneous core. The fuel bundles are burnt in normal operating conditions of the CANDU reactors. The supercell consists of two fuel bundle and adjuster rod, the worth of the adjuster rod in the supercell are calculated and compared with previous published papers and satisfactory agreement were found
CANDU MCNPX Neutronic calculations
Neutronic and burnup analysis for advanced pressurized heavy water reactor / دراسة عناصر التحكم فى النيترونات والاحتراق داخل مفاعل الماء الثقيل المتقدم تحت ضغط عالى Afrah Ali Saad Ahmed Alkhawlani ; Supervised Mahmud Yehia Ismail , Ali Yehia Ellithi , Moustafa Aziz Abdelwahab - Cairo : Afrah Ali Saad Ahmed Alkhawlani , 2014 - 110 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 20cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics
The purpose of this thesis is to study the neutronic and burn up analysis of pressurized heavy water reactor (CANDU). MCNPX computer code has been used for modeling and simulating a supercell of CANDU fuel and the heterogeneous and homogeneous core. The fuel bundles are burnt in normal operating conditions of the CANDU reactors. The supercell consists of two fuel bundle and adjuster rod, the worth of the adjuster rod in the supercell are calculated and compared with previous published papers and satisfactory agreement were found
CANDU MCNPX Neutronic calculations