
Study of the osteogenic and cardiovascular effects of mono and combined administration of growth hormone and simvastatin to ovariectomized rats /

Bassant Morsy Sayed

Study of the osteogenic and cardiovascular effects of mono and combined administration of growth hormone and simvastatin to ovariectomized rats / دراسة تأثير هرمون النمو والسيمفستاتين منفردين أو مجتمعين على تكون العظام وعلى جهاز القلب والأوعية الدموية فى الجرذان المستأصلة المبايض Bassant Morsy Sayed ; Supervised Nahed Mahmoud Moussa , Fatma Ahmed Elbatrawi , Amani Nabil Shafik - Cairo : Bassant Morsy Sayed , 2014 - 184 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pharmacology

Aim: The aim of the present work was to investigate the possible role of growth hormone and simvastatin alone and combined on osteogenic bone changes induced by ovariectomy in rats. Furthermore, study the cardioprotective effects of each drug on myocardial ischemia induced by isoprenaline. Conclusion: It could be concluded from the present work that both growth hormone and simvastatin have antiosteoporotic effect as was evident by histopathological improvement in cortical and trabecular bone thickness more with simvastatin. The present study also demonstrated ischemic cardioprotective potential of growth hormone and simvastatin by attenuating isoprenaline- induced ST segment elevations, decreasing previously elevated heart rate, normalization of blood pressure alterations and improvement of altered histopathological changes of the heart tissue more with simvastatin

Cardiovascular Growth hormone and simvastatin Ovariectomized