
Evaluation of coronary artery disease among Egyptian population with non alcoholic fatty liver disease using multislice CT /

Ahmad Abdelfattah Abdelaal Zidan

Evaluation of coronary artery disease among Egyptian population with non alcoholic fatty liver disease using multislice CT / تقييم مرض الشريان التاجي بين المصريين المصابين بمرض الكبد الدهني الغير كحولي باستخدام الاشعة المقطعية متعددة المقاطع Ahmad Abdelfattah Abdelaal Zidan Asklany ; Supervised Magdy Ibrahim Bassiouny , Hisham Boshra Alsayed , Muhammad Ali Salem - Cairo : Ahmad Abdelfattah Abdelaal Zidan Asklany , 2015 - 169 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common clinical condition. It is increasingly a common chronic liver disease with worldwide distribution. Multislice CT is used for diagnosis of fatty liver & coronary artery diseases. NAFLD can predict presence of coronary atherosclerosis in Egyptian population. The mechanism of association between fatty liver & coronary artery disease is not so clear, yet there are many suggested mechanisms. Presence of fatty liver may help early diagnosis & management of subclinical coronary artery disease & may help in cardiovascular risk stratification and assessment

Coronary angiography Coronary artery disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease