
Cord blood cytokine level in early-onset neonatal infection after prolonged premature rupture of membranes in premature neonates /

Nasren Gamal Saleh Elafraik

Cord blood cytokine level in early-onset neonatal infection after prolonged premature rupture of membranes in premature neonates / مستوى الخلوى بالحبل السرى لدى الأطفال الخدج حديثى الولادة الذين أصيبوا بالعدوى المبكرة بعد تمزق الأغشية الجنينية قبل الأوان Nasren Gamal Saleh Elafraik ; Supervised Lamiaa Mohmaed Mohsen , Rehab Lotfy Abdalgader , Marwa Mahmoud Elsharkawy - Cairo : Nasren Gamal Saleh Elafraik , 2015 - 117 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborn, particularly in preterm, low birth weight infants, despite advances in neonatal care, infections remain common and sometimes life-threatening in neonates admitted to NICU. PPROM is an adverse obstetric event found in one-third of preterm births, and it is a risk factor for early-onset infection . Despite the beneficial effects of intrapartum chemoprophylaxis in PPROM preventing group B Streptococcus infection, there was no reduction in the rates of EOI caused by other microorganisms. Despite extensive investigation, no single test meets the criteria that would make it an ideal marker for early diagnosis of sepsis in the newborn. Generally, screening includes a complete blood count with differential and may be accompanied by other adjuvant tests such as a C- reactive protein

Cord blood cytokine level Early-onset neonatal infection Premature neonates